Your essence is always waiting for you.
It is always waiting for you to stop looking to others.
It is also always waiting for you to stop looking to me.
It is there, waiting for you, so that it can be.
So that it can give you the strength to vibrate through your original energy.
Your essence is a being of light confined within your physical body.
It wishes to be free, it wants to fly, it wants much more than the restrictive life you are willing to give it.
It would like its light, its enormous light, to embrace the world and to enchant everyone with its powerful convictions.
But for this to happen, you have to recognize it.
For this to happen, you have to understand and embrace it.
You have to recognize it and go after it.
You have to understand that your essence is you, in your purest form, in your most original state. You have to feel that this essence is you at the time you were up here with us, sharing the boundless space that is heaven.
Only when you have understood how magnificent your own essence is, only when you have understood how sacred and unique this energy is, will you be able to understand the true being of light that you are and what you came down to earth to do.
The Book of Light – Ask and Heaven Will Answer,
Alexandra Solnado