Look at the type of person you have turned into. More caring, more tolerant,
and more compassionate. Think of how you used to be. Closed, hard, and defiant.
Look how far you have come. Recognize how much you have already done at an
emotional level.
Obviously, you aren’t finished. It is clear that you have not yet arrived
at your goal. But is there really a place you need to arrive at?
Matter is dual. There are always opposites. The perfect and imperfect exist
hand in hand throughout eternity. We are talking not about perfect beings but
about less resistant beings. That is, in fact, the authentic path. And the less
resistant you are, the more open you will be emotionally. Cry when you need to
cry. Laugh out loud when you need to laugh. Live each emotion to the fullest,
without judgment. You are getting closer, aren’t you?
Look at the person you have turned into. And notice how I become stronger
every time you become a better person.
The Book of Light – Ask and
Heaven Will Answer,