Your communications are so conscious . . .This means that you have reached the levels that are needed to touch me. For me to touch your heart, your energy.
For me to replace the centuries of cellular patterns of dark energy you
have. For me to present you with resources for purification.
You have changed your tone. You have changed your resonance. You have raised your vibration.
And today, when you so effortlessly arrive up here, do not think it is
your imagination. I am here to explain what I have come to do. Feel my answer. Listen to my version.
For life’s events have more than one purpose.
Everything is intertwined and perfect so that you will be inspired to
eliminate everything that is not a part of you.
Call me, and I will come. I will make your days more colorful.
Fill them with meaning. I will come and instruct you on the best way to
live in matter. I will come and bring you a love that is pure and bright and
within your heart, the information you need at this point in your life.
Call me, and I will come and fill you with my light and make you shine
like the stars.
So that you do not forget where you have come from. So that you do not
forget who you chose to be.
The Book of Light – Ask and
Heaven Will Answer,