
A Twist of Your Wings

It seems that people want to do only what they are familiar with. What they know gives them comfort.
Naturally, there is never any risk for those who think this way. There is never an element of surprise.
They surround themselves with their own concepts, which are often based on preconceptions, as a way of avoiding risks and “committing” an adventure. I say “committing” because it would seem that to venture out is a crime.
To take a risk, to go in search of the unknown. To add an element of surprise. Yes indeed, the element of surprise.
Imagine that a bird is flying, yet with a twist of its wings in midflight it changes direction abruptly, without prior warning, without preparation. At the calling of the wind. At the calling of life.
Go on, take a risk. “Commit” your element of surprise. Agree to follow those unknown paths. Move out of your comfort zone. Take a risk.
Only the great adventurers have a crystal-clear essence.
Only the great adventurers have great stories to tell.


The Book of Light – Ask and Heaven Will Answer,
Alexandra Solnado