
Testimonials - "The Book of Light"

I found you on the internet somehow, maybe even on Facebook. Your message speaks very much to me and I am glad that I ordered your book from Amazon. I have been seeking answers about life to lessen the sadness in my heart.  Even though I should know better, even though I have been on a spiritual path for some time now, I cannot lift myself from this heaviness.  I have made so many mistakes.
The messages you give from Jesus have made the most sense to me out of anything I have heard or read.  Still I feel alone, I feel like my friends are not my friends, the love I sought and chose turned out to be nothing but an illusion after 4 years. 
Maybe somehow, this is where I can find my way back to the connectedness, joy and lightness I had before.  Maybe I can find my way out of this dark, lonely place. I want to so much.

Thank you for being there!



You are entirely responsible for everything that you attract. You attract everything that happens to you.
Although it may sound strange, you only attract what you have inside you.
Hence, you will only attract violence if you have violence inside you. You will only attract love if you have love inside you.
Instead of trying to avoid negative things happening to you…rather than complaining that only bad things happen to you…Look at things as if they were a mirror image of your inner self. And express your gratitude.
Thank those who caused you pain for showing you what part of yourself you need to work on. And work on it. Show your gratitude and work.
This is the process.
If you attract a violent situation, recognize that this situation is simply a reflection of your inner violence.
Be aware of this, and enter into contact with your inner violence.
Look back on a violent situation that you once experienced and cry, shout, kick out, go through it all, and remove the negative energy inside your heart.
Remove this density, and open up your heart so that I may enter.
And this way, you will be able to cleanse each new situation or event as it arises, always thanking and cleansing.
One day, you will wake up to a realm of love in your heart, and you will know that I am there.


The Book of Light – Ask and Heaven Will Answer,
Alexandra Solnado


Stories about "The Book of Light"

In the beginning of September, after a much craved and deserved vacation, I returned to work only to be confronted with arrogant and authoritarian behaviour from my boss, something that had come up before, and that left me completely disheartened. The wish to end my contract began to grow, and the will to head on in search of professional fulfilment, and therefore happiness, became more and more urgent. So I remembered to ask Jesus for an advice. Who better than Him to help me make the right choice?!

I disclosed my questions to “The Book of Light”:  “Please, Jesus, please comment on whether this desire I have to leave my job and establish myself professionally on my own…is it the right choice for my life, or not? The symbols lead me to the message 49 – Change. Although the title is obvious, at the time, the message was not completely enlightening. So I asked Jesus if He could be more explicit regarding the dialogue we had started. Once again I picked out two symbols and they took me to the message “Passion”, where Jesus tells us, among other things that we should dedicate ourselves to doing something in life with our soul.

But I still felt I needed some more help, and asked the initial question again, adding:” Is it worth the risk, Jesus? Because I am afraid to do it and end up replacing security with uncertainty”. I picked out two more symbols and they lead me to the most clarifying and unequivocal answer that not only enlightened my heart but helped me to take my first steps towards my liberation – Message “Taking Risks”.

Nowadays, I am still working for others, at the same place where I used to work, yet I am on the next stage of my professional project. I am already looking for a place that will allow me to set up my professional activity. I believe I will make it and have no intention of giving up.

Paula Cristina Marques


Testimonials - "The Book of Light"

Hello Alexandra, I am reading “The Book of Light” and it is wonderful! I never read anything like that, I just feel I´m speaking with Jesus very closely. I was wondering how could you communicate with him so I checked your site and you have many spiritual books as well.

I'm going right now through a very difficult economical situation. I lost my job and I learned that this is a learning situation for me and this book is sending light into my soul and I feel more comfortable and for some reason I'm not afraid any more, I have hope. I learned that I'm not doing what I´m supposed to do in my life, I was in the wrong place all the time and now I try to find my real place in life. I have to figure out how to develop God's creativity in myself. And that will make me very happy at last, because I always felt that I wasn't doing my real job in this world. I also learn that instead of focusing on making money I should focus on "How can I help people improve their lives in different ways." And I really love these.

Thanks for your Book of Light. God Bless You.
Love Cristina